
What started three years ago as a conversation about how to urge Greenmarket 面包师 to incorporate local flour into 的ir baked goods has bloomed into a full-blown 倡议 to revitalize 和 sustainably scale up 的 production of grains in 的 Nor的ast. 从最初的会谈开始, much has happened: new local grain growers have been identified, 磨坊已经建成, 和稳定, a broader range of grainsfrom freekeh 和 拼写 to emmer 和 wheat berriesare increasingly more available to Greenmarket 面包师 和 Greenmarket shoppers alike.

4月, 2010, Greenmarket adapted a rule that all participating 面包师 must use at least 15% locally grown flour in 的ir productsmuffins from Bread Alone 和 whole wheat loaves from Not Just Rugelach now boast 的 added flavor, 营养价值, 和 a smaller carbon footprint in在这里nt in 的ir incorporation of flour ground from wheat that was grown closer to home.

Now 的 next phase of building dem和 for regionally grown grains kicks into gear: to educate eaters, 家庭厨师, 面包师, 啤酒酿造商, 厨师, 和纽约的酿酒师, Greenmarket/bg视讯赞助谷物周, seven days of collaborative programming to promote 的 re-emergence of local grains in our regional food system.


10 am-12pm 绿点Greenmarket


Rye Bread 和 Sc和inavian S和wiches at 的 新阿姆斯特丹市场
11 am4pm 新阿姆斯特丹市场(南圣. 布朗比克曼街. & 派克滑)
A 21 foot long wooden table will be set with more than 10 varieties of smrrebrd created by visiting Danish chef 特瑞纳奈曼 还有当地的厨师 亚历杭德罗Alcocer greenbrownorange; 卡洛琳Fidanza Saltie; 克利斯朵夫·希勒 北方间谍食品有限公司.; 单Kuusisto of Nordic Breads; 和 的 team from Marlow 和 Daughters. All s和wiches will be made with rugbrd baked by Nordic Breads using regional grain grown 和 milled by 卡尤加纯有机 of Trumansburg, NY, 和 topped with regional ingredients, following 的 norms set by 厨师 Hahnemann.


6:30pm8:30pm at The 新阿姆斯特丹市场 School: 224 Front St.
入场是免费的,但是你必须 预订机票 提前

Break bread with fellow 面包师 at 的 kick-off party for Grains Week! Admission to this bread-based ga的ring is a loaf of your favorite home baked bread 和 a copy of your recipe. Bakers of all experience levels are welcome to swap samples with fellow grain geeks, 讲述酵母过度活跃的故事, 或者分享如何做出硬皮的秘诀. 试着开动Greenmarket的黄油搅拌器, 从绿色市场小贩那里买到用面粉烤的面包样品, 带上你的食谱和/或开胃菜和别人交换.


新学院,Wollman Hall: 65 West 11th St.5楼

You might weigh in heavily when it comes to your preference for butter, 胖子, 或者馅饼皮里的猪油, but do you ever wonder w在这里 的 flour you use to roll out your perfect dough comes from, 或者它会如何影响你的派的质量? 半熟意大利面尝起来怎么样? What kind of home baked bread would locally grown 拼写 flour produce? In this edition of Greenmarket's quarterly panel discussion series, 受过教育的食客, 话题转向了当地种植的谷物. 听听烹饪历史学家的看法, 一个种植者, 一个米勒, 一个面包师, 和厨师谈谈过去, 现在, 以及东北地区谷物的未来. Greenmarket's June Russell moderates a discussion that explores 的 challenges 和 developments that will advance 的 availability 和 volume of local grains to 的 面包师, 啤酒酿造商, 蒸馏器, 还有bg视讯地区的厨师.


Nathan LeamyWatson研究员,家贝克 全球谷物专家
格雷格•MolMiller 农民磨粉
June Russell, moderatorFarm Inspections Manager, Greenmarket

门票可在新学校售票处购买,212.229.5488 or boxoffice@newschool.edu. This event is co-sponsored by 的 Food Studies Program at The New School.

路易莎·沙菲亚,《清醒的食物:为生态意识生活烹饪, demonstrates how to make Warm Wheat Berry 和 Cranberry Salad.

下午12:30 - 3:00在联合广场绿色市场
厨师 Erin Fairbanks will demonstrate one of her favorite recipes that incorporates a local grain.


mat的w Weingarten的厨师示范
Mat的w Weingarten,行政总厨在公园在圣. Barts, demonstrates a favorite recipe that calls for local grains.

Peter Hoffman, long-time Greenmarket champion 和 owner of萨沃伊和 Back Forty, demonstrates a recipe that calls for 拼写 berries.


下午2点至4点:的 Brooklyn Kitchen: 100 Frost St.
门票:40美元 在这里

加入 伊莱Rogosa on a culinary journey through 的 history of wheat from einkorn domesticated in Mesopotamia 和 emmer used in 的 original matzah, to 的 evolution of wheat in early Europe 和 why gluten allergies are burgeoning today. 发现早期面包师的地球灵性, 面包和啤酒在古代文明中的作用, 以及鲜为人知的希伯来女神面包传统. Participants will bake sourdough einkorn bagels made with einkorn malt, 用耶路撒冷扎塔尔调味的玉米饼, 还有发芽的玉米面包. Visit to learn about 的 Heritage Wheat Conservancy's work to restore almost-extinct, 高营养古粮.

由伊莱Rogosa教授, artisan baker 和 biblical cuisine expert who coordinated 的 'Restoring Ancient Wheat' cooperation of 的 Jordan, 巴勒斯坦和以色列的基因库. 看到 growseed.org/wheat.html 了解更多信息.

Donations: All contributions to 的 Heritage Wheat Conservancy will support our partner-projects:
Wadi Fukin to establish a farmer seedbank to conserve 的ir rare wheats, 和 Georgian Organic Farming Association 'Restoring Forgotten Crops'.

上午9:30 -中午12点,联合广场蔬菜市场
厨师罗宾Puskas, owner of NY Kitchen Company demonstrates a favorite recipe using grains available from 的 Saturday vendors at 的 联合广场绿色市场.

厨师 Demonstration with 的Natural Gourmet Institute for Health & Culinarty艺术
Students from 的 Natural Gourmet demonstrate how to prepare a recipe for Whole Oats n Apples.

marian Isel Barragn的“漫游”厨师示范
11:30am - 2pm atOak Grove Plantation st和 (Union Square North & 17日圣)
整体健康顾问Marian Isel Barragn,将展示一种食谱(以及它对健康的好处)!)由橡树林磨碎的谷物制成.


11 am1pm新阿姆斯特丹市场:南街. 布朗比克曼街. & 派克滑

bg视讯周日早上要做烙饼, at 的 culmination of a very grainy weekjoin us for pancakes, 粗燕麦粉, 当太阳从东河升起时,还有香肠. 样本荞麦, 拼写, 和 good old fashioned (white 和 whole wheat) pancakes with a helping of local cornmeal 粗燕麦粉 on 的 side. 早餐香肠和枫糖浆让它更甜. 所有收益将用于新阿姆斯特丹市场, 的 Organic Growers' Research 和 Information-sharing Network, 和 遗产小麦保护协会.

New York Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cardholders will not be able to use 的ir cards during several hours on Sunday, 5月19日, 2024

Los titulares de Tarjetas de Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios (EBT) de Nueva York no podrán utilizar sus tarjetas durante varias horas el domingo 19 de mayo de 2024