Student Activities

All Grades

Field Trip to Sims Municipal Recycling (Grades 3-8)
Want to show your class or green team where the metal, glass, plastic, and cartons recycled in NYC are sent? Schedule a free tour 位于布鲁克林日落公园的全新Sims市政回收设施! 眼见为实,你的学生不会忘记这段不可思议的经历.

Recycling Class Contract
An agreement that students and parents sign. Students pledge to study the environment, 家长们签名表示他们会配合绿色家庭作业, such as a recycling journal. Created by the Academy of Urban Planning, Brooklyn.

NYC Department of Sanitation (Grades K-12)
Order the free NYC Teacher's RRResource Guide, developed with the NYC Department of Edcuation, and RRR comic books developed with Marvel comics.

Grades 3-7

At Home Chose to Reduce Project
学生们每周在家里选择一件事来减少,并将他们的成功和挑战写下来.  In class, they form groups and create "Do You Know?" posters.

Lesson Plan: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Students learn the meaning of Recycling, 通过分析阅读减少和再利用,用回收材料构建一个物体.  The scientific method is used to write the step-by-step process. Created by PS/IS 308, Brooklyn. 

High School

Green Design Project 
Students pretend they are architects, 并提出了一系列的设计变化,使他们的学校更加环保. They then grade their projects according to a rubric.
Created by Frances Perkins Academy, Brooklyn.

Advocacy Action Kit
这个工具包旨在引导学生努力为你的初中或高中创建一个定制的回收活动. 该工具包的部分分为多个星期,可以适应时间限制和你的学校的需要.

Green Teams

Student Recycling Script
为绿色团队俱乐部成员做一个自我介绍和俱乐部宗旨的演讲. 他们在教室和食堂里解释如何使用他们的新回收箱.
Created by P.S. 16 Staten Island.

Waste Audit Guide
Ever wonder what's in your school's waste? 这个实践活动可以帮助学生评估学校的浪费情况,以便想出减少浪费的方法. The results can be incorporated into the school's recycling plan, or even into lessons and activities.

Recycling Rating Chart
绿色团队的成员们在学校里四处走动,对回收项目的成功进行打分. 他们按教室进行调查,确保每个教室都有垃圾桶,并对污染程度进行评估.

Advocacy Action Kit
This kit is designed to channel a green team, club, 或者班级努力为你的初中或高中创建一个定制的回收活动. 该工具包的部分分为多个星期,可以适应时间限制和你的学校的需要.

Upcycled Milk Carton Craft (Grades 2-5)
通过把一个空牛奶盒变成一个硬币钱包来教学生回收和升级利用,你觉得有趣吗! 本说明书将带您通过一步一步的过程,使这个有趣的工艺.

Recycling Fact Assigment (Grades 1-5)
Sustainability coordinator at P.S. 101 Queens引入了一项家庭作业,鼓励学生收集有关回收的信息. The document can be printed on letter size paper and cut into strips. Each student is given a strip and a week to complete the assignment. 一周后,每个学生选择一个事实并大声朗读他们的解决方案. 学生的事实将被考虑在早上向全校宣布! 

For Classrooms

All Grades

HEART: Promoting Humane Education (Grades PK-12)
A great listing of free, 可下载的课程计划,涉及从回收、污染到能源等问题, and environmental choices.

America Recycles Day (Grades K-12)
Take a recycling pledge, find an event, 或者下载一些材料来帮助你的学校组织和庆祝这个令人敬畏的日子.

NBC Learn (Grades K-12)
Through a partnership with the National Science Foundation, 教师和学生可以访问各种气候科学和回收相关的视频和国家统计局的新闻档案.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (Grades K-12)
Information on education camps, centers, and programs.  Actitivies for students and lesson plans for teachers on wildlife, insects, recycling, conservation, and more.

Steel Recycling Institute (Grades PK-12)
With a focus on recycling, solid waste and natural resource management, you'll find a variety of lesson plans, worksheets, and hands-on activities. 

Elementary School 

Upcycled Milk Carton Craft (Grades 2-5)
通过把一个空牛奶盒变成一个硬币钱包来教学生回收和升级利用,你觉得有趣吗! 本说明书将带您通过一步一步的过程,使这个有趣的工艺.

Recycling Fact Assigment (Grades 1-5)
Sustainability coordinator at P.S. 101 Queens引入了一项家庭作业,鼓励学生收集有关回收的信息. The document can be printed on letter size paper and cut into strips. Each student is given a strip and a week to complete the assignment. 一周后,每个学生选择一个事实并大声朗读他们的解决方案. 学生的事实将被考虑在早上向全校宣布!

Garbology Kids (Grades PK-5)
Where do recyclable materials go?  What happens to trash?  教师、家长和学生可以通过这本伟大的丛书学到更多的东西,并从中获得乐趣.

Marcal (Grades K-2)
A local company that makes recycled paper household products!  Download Marcal's free lesson plans on recycling, trees, and deforestation which meet a variety of education standards.

NYC Department of Sanitation (Grades K-12)
Order the free NYC Teacher's RRResource Guide, developed with the NYC Department of Edcuation, and RRR comic books developed with Marvel comics. 

Elementary and Middle School

Streets Education (Grades PK-8)

Middle and High School

PBS Presents: Garbage Dreams (Grades 4-12)
在开罗,扎贝林人靠收集和回收垃圾为生.  In a fun online game for students, take on the role of the Zaballeen.  你有八个月的时间来建立你的回收帝国,尽可能提高开罗的总回收利用率.

Gothamist Neighborhood Trash Map (Grades 6-12)
How well do different NYC neighborhoods do on recycling? 将每个地区的垃圾和回收利用情况与此进行比较 interactive map. Then, students can study is in NYC’s waste stream, and how to recycle even more

US EPA: A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change (Grade 4-12)
为教师和学生提供丰富的材料,以提高他们对与气候变化有关的固体废物问题的认识, and take action! 

No Impact Project (Grades 6-12)
With the film No Impact Man as a guide, 学生可以探索他们的日常行为对环境和他们的福祉的影响, by looking at transportation, consumption, energy, food, and water. 

High School

Alliance For Climate Education (ACE)
How do we measure climate change?  What activities contribute to climate change?  Explore these topics and more with free lesson plans from ACE.  如果你的学校正在举办ACE会议,那么在会议之前或之后下载相应的课程计划.

Trashed Lesson Plan Package (Grades 8-12)
Comprehensive lesson plans to accompany Trashed, a 60-minute movie on the story of “garbage…American style”.   

Arts and Crafts

All Grades

Materials for the Arts

Looking for a green design or art project?  日常的可回收物和垃圾可以被升级回收成功能性产品和艺术品.  为教室下载DIY项目或邀请RePlayGround参加您的活动! 

Skraptacular提供独特的儿童项目,基于绿色世界的回收教育. 交钥匙课程邀请所有年龄段的儿童在保护环境和减少浪费方面发挥积极作用, all while having fun.

The Imagination Factory
想象工厂里没有机器,烟囱也不会污染空气. 相反,bg视讯教孩子们和他们的照顾者创造性地通过艺术来回收.

American Forest & Paper Association (Grades 3-6)
Download a free mini recycling poster created by AF&以及三个简单的课程,包括数学,科学和语言艺术. 还有一个简短的视频演示如何在课堂上制作自己的论文.

Turtle Bank (Grades 2-7)
Save your pennies with this recycled turtle bank. 学生们将一个塑料沙拉容器变成一件艺术品,这是国家野生动物联合会儿童的有趣课程计划.

Plastic Bag Friendship Bracelets
Most people usually think of plastic bags as unsightly. With this project, you can make friendship bracelets that are beautiful, don’t cost a dime, and are helping the environment! This is a great activity for students to watch with the film, Bag It.

Upcycled Milk Carton Craft (Grades 2-5)
通过把一个空牛奶盒变成一个硬币钱包来教学生回收和升级利用,你觉得有趣吗! 本说明书将带您通过一步一步的过程,使这个有趣的工艺.

纽约电子福利转帐卡(EBT)持卡人将在周日的几个小时内无法使用他们的卡, May 19, 2024

Los titulares de Tarjetas de Transferencia Electrónica de benebeneos (EBT) de Nueva York no podrán utilitzar sus Tarjetas durante varias horas el domingo 2019年5月19日